why choose react native course in chennai

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why choose react native course in chennai


React Native was developed to make the development of mobile apps easier after ReactJS. The answer is straightforward: life is made much simpler if you can create an app once in JavaScript and release it to both Android and iOS.Using JavaScript, you can create native mobile apps with the React Native framework. Typically, Java (for Android) and Swift/Obj-C are required for developing mobile apps (for iOS). With React Native, you can create fully functional apps for both platforms in less time and with only one code language.  To learn more about react native, join react native course in chennai at FITA Academy.react native course in chennai
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Re: why choose react native course in chennai

The biggest benefit of React Native is that developers don't need to write different code for each platform (Android or iOS).
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Re: why choose react native course in chennai

In reply to this post by chandrangeetha
great post. thanks for sharing. Java Course in Pune