User What would be the future of manual software testing?

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User What would be the future of manual software testing?

The future of manual software testing is likely to be influenced by several trends and factors in the software development industry. While the role of manual testing may evolve, it's important to note that manual testing is not likely to disappear completely. Here are some potential directions the future of manual software testing could take:

Shift towards Automation: Automation will continue to play a significant role in software testing. Many repetitive and routine tests can be automated, allowing manual testers to focus on more complex and exploratory testing tasks. This can lead to improved efficiency and faster feedback in the software development process.

Exploratory Testing: As automation takes care of repetitive tests, manual testers can concentrate on exploratory testing. This involves creative and ad-hoc testing methods that simulate real-world user scenarios, uncover edge cases, and identify usability issues that automated scripts might miss.
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