Investigation of Position Papers for Weak Populaces

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Investigation of Position Papers for Weak Populaces

<p>Investigation of Position Papers for Weak Populaces</p>
<p>For this assessment you will develop your initial viewpoint on a health care issue related to a vulnerable population. In addition you will analyze and synthesize existing position papers on the same topic. Vulnerable populations are often excluded from remote collaboration and evidence based care  participating in research due to a lack of trust between them and researchers. This can lead to situations like the Havasupai’s inclusion in stigmatizing mental health research against their will (Quinn, 2015).</p>
<p>As health care professionals, we are constantly faced with questions of how best to serve and treat vulnerable populations. These issues are often complex, such as addiction, chronicity, emotional and mental health, genetics and genomics, and immunity. Many of these issues are driven by the rapid advancement of technology in fields such as DNA sequencing and artificial intelligence. These technologies are enabling healthcare providers to gather information about take my course individuals’ unique traits that can inform and direct the delivery of health care in ways never before possible.</p>
<p>For this assessment, you will develop a position paper and an analysis of relevant position papers on a health care issue as it relates to a target vulnerable population. Throughout your position paper and analysis, you will identify and evaluate both the positive views of your chosen issue and any opposing viewpoints. You will then consider how you can work toward improving the outcomes related to your selected vulnerable population. Vulnerable populations are those groups that experience increased risks in the areas of physical, mental, social and economic health. These risks can result from their culture, geographic area, ethnicity, or the health characteristics they possess. These risks can also be the result of life changes such as a major medical event or natural disaster.</p>
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<p>When conducting research with vulnerable populations, it is important to define the population sample and take into account any decisional impairment or situational vulnerability that may occur during the process. Additionally, researchers should consider how they will engage with the members of this population and how they can create trust and mutual nhs fpx 6008 assessment 3 business case for change understanding in order to collect bias free data. For this assessment, you will identify a healthcare issue related to your chosen vulnerable population and analyze a variety of position papers that address the topic. Your analysis should include your team’s initial viewpoint and a summary of opposing viewpoints on the subject.</p>
<p>The next step of this analysis involves identifying the pros and cons of each view in the position papers. You may also wish to identify irreconcilable differences in the opposing viewpoints and consider ways to encourage buy-in from those who disagree with your position. Vulnerable populations are often defined as a group of individuals that have a reduced ability to nurs fpx 4040 assessment 4 informatics and nursing sensitive  give informed consent for participation in research experiments. The reason for this is that people belonging to vulnerable populations may be subject to decisional impairment and situational vulnerability, which means they can easily be coerced into taking part in practices they would not otherwise agree to (Bracken-Rochel et al., 2017).</p>
<p>In this assessment, you will be analyzing position papers related to a health care issue in a vulnerable population that you have chosen. You will be developing a position summary and an analysis of the existing positions and evidence on this particular population and issue.</p>
<p>As a master’s-prepared nurse, you have the ability to express your views on policy and care issues. This assessment gives you an opportunity to use this skill by analyzing current position papers on the health issue and population you have chosen. This analysis will include noting the positive aspects of the different viewpoints and evaluating the pros and cons of each. It will also help you become better equipped to understand and respond to opposing viewpoints should they come up during the creation of your own policy proposal. Vulnerable populations are defined as a group of individuals who may be at a greater risk for experiencing negative consequences as a result of participating in research experiments (Bracken-Rochel et al, 2017). Often members of nhs fpx 6008 assessment 4 lobbying for change  vulnerable populations experience decisional impairment or situational vulnerability in which they are coerced to undergo practices that they would otherwise avoid due to social circumstances. Defining a vulnerable population is important because it allows researchers to create research protocols that will minimize the likelihood of adverse outcomes for participants.</p>
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