Cox Mail Backup Solution

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Cox Mail Backup Solution

You can easily backup COX emails using Advik Email Backup Software. This toolkit only requires your COX email login credentials & allows you to migrate your personal or business Cox Webmail account to any email service or file format you prefer. Also, it offers a FREE demo version that you can use to check it. During the trial, you can export only the first 25 emails from your COX account. To convert unlimited items, you'll need to activate the software by completing the purchase process and receiving activation keys within 15 minutes.

Here's how to download emails from COX Mail using this software:

Run the software and select the COX Mail option.
Enter your COX Mail login credentials in the panel.
Choose the desired Email Backup options from the list.
Configure COX Mail backup options in the utility panel.
Click the Backup button to start the COX Conversion process.